Tuesday, August 31, 2010


As some of you may or may not know, I participate in a local food co-op called Community Helpings Produce Co-op. Our deliveries come every two weeks and for only $23 each person gets a large amount of produce. If you happen to live in the St. Louis Metropolitan area you can click on the link above or check out one of coordinators blogs, All This and Now What?


Here it is. My second attempt at a food blog. If you are interested, I actually half assed run another blog called Clearance Rack Recipes. However, it was a bit limiting. Only healthy stuff on the menu there. Which just may have been the reason I've neglected it. While, I do try to eat healthy 80% of the time the other 20%.....it's game on!!! THIS girl likes...no LOVES to eat!!! So...in an attempt to keep myself from being deleted from my Facebook friends who are tired of seeing my food posts...here I am. For those of you who have followed me here. THANK YOU! ♥xoxo♥